All donations over $2 are tax deductable.
Your gift will go a long way to supporting people with intellectual disability to live a better quality of life. Donations will support our community to provide equipment, training and support where it is needed most.
We are grateful for all donations made to us!

How to make a donation
You can make a donation through e-banking. Call us on 9622 3005 for our BSB and Account number.
Please send us an email with the details of your donation and we will send you a receipt.

To leave a bequest
You can make a donation through e-banking. Call us on 9622 3005 for our BSB and Account number.
Please send us an email with the details of your donation and we will send you a receipt.
Types of gifts
Bequests can be made for our general purposes; to fund the ongoing costs of our service and provide a better learning environment.
The gift can take the form of:
- the residue of the estate
- a percentage of the estate
- a specific amount of money
- a life insurance or superannuation policy
- assets such as shares, property, works of art, jewellery
- an investment in perpetuity.
If you are able to help Self Advocacy Sydney through a donation in your Will, you may wish to consult your solicitor, trustee company or the Public Trustee regarding the wording.
“He couldn’t see clearly to live his life – he hopes that you can put this to good use so others can see the beauty he couldn’t.”
– Message sent with husband’s bequest

Suggested wording for your Will
Here is some suggested wording and our organisational details.
Suggested wording:
- I give ________________ to one of the following nominated beneficiaries:
- Self Advocacy Sydney for its general purposes.
- I declare that the receipt of the secretary, treasurer or other proper officer of the nominated beneficiary will be a full discharge for my trustee who will not be bound to see its application.

Organisational details
- Self Advocacy Sydney is a registered company under corporate law, section 148 (1). ABN 77 288 359 636
- Self Advocacy Sydney is registered under the provisions of the Charitable Fundraising Act (NSW) 1991. CFM 16621
If you are a solicitor and you have a client who would like to leave a bequest to Self Advocacy Sydney, please pass on our thanks.
Print a copy here
Contact for Bequests:
- Arthur Bozikas
- Email: arthur@sasinc.com.au
- Phone: 02 9622 3005