
blue hand with heart symbolising donations

All donations over $2 are tax deductable.

Your gift will go a long way to supporting people with intellectual disability to live a better quality of life. Donations will support our community to provide equipment, training and support where it is needed most.

We are grateful for all donations made to us!

Make a donation with bank wire transfer

How to make a donation

You can make a donation through e-banking. Call us on 9622 3005 for our BSB and Account number.

Please send us an email with the details of your donation and we will send you a receipt.

Leave a bequest as a donation

To leave a bequest

You can make a donation through e-banking. Call us on 9622 3005 for our BSB and Account number.

Please send us an email with the details of your donation and we will send you a receipt.

Types of gifts

Bequests can be made for our general purposes; to fund the ongoing costs of our service and provide a better learning environment.

The gift can take the form of:

  • the residue of the estate
  • a percentage of the estate
  • a specific amount of money
  • a life insurance or superannuation policy
  • assets such as shares, property, works of art, jewellery
  • an investment in perpetuity.

If you are able to help Self Advocacy Sydney through a donation in your Will, you may wish to consult your solicitor, trustee company or the Public Trustee regarding the wording.

“He couldn’t see clearly to live his life – he hopes that you can put this to good use so others can see the beauty he couldn’t.” 

– Message sent with husband’s bequest

Wording for will to leave a donation

Suggested wording for your Will

Here is some suggested wording and our organisational details.

Suggested wording:

  1. I give ________________ to one of the following nominated beneficiaries:
    1. Self Advocacy Sydney for its general purposes.
    2. I declare that the receipt of the secretary, treasurer or other proper officer of the nominated beneficiary will be a full discharge for my trustee who will not be bound to see its application.
Self Advocacy Sydney Inc

Organisational details

  • Self Advocacy Sydney is a registered company under corporate law, section 148 (1). ABN 77 288 359 636
  • Self Advocacy Sydney is registered under the provisions of the Charitable Fundraising Act (NSW) 1991. CFM 16621

If you are a solicitor and you have a client who would like to leave a bequest to Self Advocacy Sydney, please pass on our thanks.

Print a copy here

Contact for Bequests:

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